We thank everyone for your continued commitment to keeping our entire parish community safe and healthy
If you have a cough or other cold-like symptoms, please consider wearing a mask when you come to worship for your own safety and that of your fellow parishioners.
If you are not feeling well, consider staying home and tuning in to the livestream mass provided by the parish until you feel well enough to rejoin us in church.
Reception of the Eucharist in the hand is still highly recommended. Receiving the Precious Blood through the shared cup is available on Sundays at certain Communion stations.
Bulletins are available at several locations in the Church and vestibule. If you pick one up on your way into church, please remember to take it with you at the end of mass. If you no longer need it, there are bins located at various places throughout the church for proper disposal. Please do not leave it in the pew. Each week’s bulletin is available on the parish website if you would prefer a digital copy.