Flocknotes/Tuesday Newsletters - Families should receive an e-mail newsletter every Tuesday afternoon/evening through Flocknotes. If you are not receiving these, please check your spam/junk folders. You can also add [email protected] to your e-mail contact list, which should allow for our e-mails to always land in your inbox. If you're still not receiving our e-mails, please contact David at [email protected].
Each parent/guardian's cell phone number has been added to Flocknotes, so that we can text you information more quickly about class cancellations due to weather, or other emergency news. If you change or get a new e-mail address or phone number, please contact the Religious Ed Office so that we can update on our end!
Absence Reporting - should be done through this online form, which is also linked in every Tuesday newsletter. Please do not call the Religious Ed office to report absences. Please keep in mind that our Attendance Policy states that more than three absences in a year is excessive, and make-up assignments may be assigned.
Supplies - Students should come to class each week with their materials, ready to learn. Please see the Supply Lists page for the items for each grade.
Tuition Payments - can be made in a number of ways. You can set up automatic payments or pay all at once online with e-Giving. You can also pay by cash or check at the Parish Office, or by mail.