Thank you for exploring this option. For some families, the flexibility and individualization of home schooling make it a good choice.
Here is what you should know before you select this option for your child:
It is generally available for grades one through six.
Homeschool may be available for grades seven & eight (Confirmation Years I & II) depending on the year, though it is preferred that students attend in-person classes.
Homeschool is not online class. Expect to spend about 90 minutes a week on reading and assignments.
Some of the assignments can be completed by the child independently, but the parent will be needed for at least an hour of that 90 minute time frame, as a rule. (This is especially true in grades one through three.)
Families will meet with the CRE or another assigned catechist through the school year to check-in with assignments and discuss the topics they are learning about.
The tuition for this option is the same as the in-class option due to the investment of time by the CRE and the resources needed.
If you have further questions about this option, please contact the Rel Ed office.