Sister Danielle is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, an international congregation of women religious, dedicated to the renewal of family and the sacredness of human life. For 22 years, Sr. Danielle served in the education ministry, first as a teacher and then, school principal. Her experiences and skills led her into leadership within her congregation where she served for nine years.
Having completed a Certificate of Studies in Lay Ecclesial Ministry from the University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein, Sr. Danielle currently ministers as a Pastoral Associate, working at St. Emily Parish in a variety of ways in which she seeks to find ways to bring educational and spiritual experiences that both affirm and stretch the people of St. Emily. Sister also manages the parish website and Facebook page and is active in the music ministry.
When time allows, she works for other religious congregations in a support role for their major meetings and is occasionally called upon as a motivational speaker by different organizations.