Melissa Hajdu is a pastoral minister here at St. Emily. She is the Baptismal minister, and the staff liaison for some of the ministries of the parish including Mundelein Seminary Teaching Parish program, Christ Renews His Parish, HUGS, Parish Hospitality Sundays, Parish Liturgy Committee and Intercessory prayer group. Melissa has been a member of the parish for over 20 years and has assisted on the RCIA team since then. She is also a physical therapist, mother of 2 two daughters and grandmother of Cooper, Carter, and Penny. Her husband served as a deacon here at the Parish. She organizes our Divine Mercy Sunday and has done study groups at the parish which usually focus on a particular way of praying, spirituality or a particular devotion. She has various other duties “behind the scenes” at the parish.
Melissa is always looking to help start new ministries here at the parish or bring some enrichment of our spiritual life – ideas welcome!