Preparation for Penance / Reconciliation and First Communion
The months of preparation to receive the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist are a wonderful time in a child's life. It is also a gift for their families and an opportunity to appreciate anew the great grace which the Lord gives us in the sacraments.
Please note that students are required to attend two years of classes before receiving their First Communion (normally 1st and 2nd grade). If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact the Religious Ed Office.
The First Communion dates at St. Emily Parish this year (2024-25) are Saturday, May 3 & Sunday, May 4, 2025.
We send an email newsletter home periodically (using Flocknotes) to keep you updated on what is happening in the Penance / Eucharist program.
If you think you have missed a newsletter, or are not receiving them, please get in touch! Some email programs (especially Gmail and Yahoo) put email such as ours into a special tab (such as "Promotions" on Gmail) or into your spam folder. If this is happening to you, the best way to ensure e-mails get to your inbox is to add the e-mail address [email protected] as a contact in your e-mail account.